
CEO-Talk: Christian Traumann von Multivac

VIDEO • Christian Traumann is a man with many talents. He is CEO of Multivac as well as member of the advisory board if interpack, to name only two of them. In our interview he gave a lot of insights into current challenges in the packaging industry, such as digitalisation and sustainability issues or automation as well as EU regulations and geo politics.


Container fĂĽr entzĂĽndbare Lebensmittel

VIDEO • Mehrweg Transport Verpackungen aus Kunststoff haben eine lange Nutzungsdauer und sie sind vollständig recycelbar - in Studien wird ihnen daher regelmäßig eine gute CO2-Bilanz bescheinigt. WERIT zeigt auf der interpack in Düsseldorf volumenreduzierbare Drehstapelbehälter, Euronorm Stapelkästen für Food und Non-Food sowie Stapelkästen mit U-Rand.

Sharp blades and new labels

VIDEO • From weight-accurate slicing to the precise insertion and packaging of sausage, meat, cheese, and vegan substitute products: Weber is one of the leading system providers for slicing applications and the automation and packaging of fresh products.

Sustainable packaging refinement

VIDEO • KURZ is the only manufacturer in the industry to have developed a recycling programme called RECOSYS for the PET residual material that is produced during hot stamping, which converts the residual material back into a valuable raw material. With RECOSYS 2.0, the further development was presented at interpack.

Robotics in Contamination Controlled Equipments

VIDEO - Delivering a product as good as its task is not enough: one must also bring value at the document level. Andrea Tanzini explains the holistic approach that led to the creation of a new version of Stericlean robots with high added value for OEMs, system integrators, and end users, both from the robot's point of view and the supporting doucmentation.

Leuze gibt mehr als “nur” Sensorik

VIDEO • Automatisierte Anlagen für Produktions- und Verpackungsprozesse müssen immer flexibler, effizienter und intelligenter werden. Die Anforderungen an Hygiene und Robustheit sind bei der Verarbeitung und Verpackung von Lebensmitteln und Pharmaprodukten hoch. Leuze präsentiert auf der interpack 2023 unter dem Motto "More than you expect", wie das Unternehmen Hersteller von Verpackungsmaschinen und Konsumgüterproduzenten dabei mit innovativen Sensorlösungen unterstützt. Vom ersten bis zum letzten Schritt im Verpackungsprozess.

Leuze gives you more than you expect

VIDEO • Automated equipment for production and packaging processes must become increasingly flexible, efficient and intelligent. Hygiene and robustness requirements are high in the processing and packaging of food and pharmaceutical products. At interpack 2023, under the motto "More than you expect", Leuze presents how the company supports manufacturers of packaging machines and consumer goods producers in this regard with innovative sensor solutions. From the first to the last step in the packaging process.