More than 2,800 exhibitors, around 143,000 visitors and seven days of programming in packaging journal’s live TV studio. The trade show comeback after a six-year break was a success! In an interview, interpack Director Thomas Dohse draws a successful balance.
It lived up to its promise and exceeded exhibitors’ expectations: The world’s largest and most important packaging trade show once again set standards from May 4 to 10, networked the industry on a global level, and was both a marketplace and a content hub.
Visitors from 155 countries, many of them with firm investment intentions, came to interpack 2023. 2,807 exhibitors presented the power and creativity of the packaging industry with their technologies and solutions. What remains are numerous impulses, ideas and concrete business deals that will be implemented in the coming years.
interpack-director Thomas Dohse in live interview
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Weitere Informationen“interpack 2023 will resonate for a long time to come, both in business and personally,” said Director Thomas Dohse after seven days at the trade show. “The atmosphere in the halls was great and the intercultural exchange enriching for all sides. It was again ‘simply unique’.”
96 percent of visitors satisfied
A total of around 143,000 visitors came to interpack in Düsseldorf, two thirds of them from abroad. In addition to many European countries, the largest visitor nations were India, Japan and the USA. Around 75 percent belonged to middle and upper management.
The organizers’ conclusions are underlined by the positive feedback from visitors, more than 96 percent of whom stated that they had achieved their trade show objectives. Equally satisfied were the exhibitors, many of whose expectations were exceeded. “We would like to thank Messe Düsseldorf for the excellent organization. I am sure I am speaking on behalf of all the companies. interpack 2023 is simply a must for suppliers and users from all over the world to exchange experiences and realize business,” said Markus Rustler, President of interpack 2023 at the close of the event.
Trendsetting content

interpack is not only a business but also a content platform for the industry, live and digital. 50 talks alone took place in the Tightly Packed TV studio of interpack and packaging journal, giving the top topics and trends additional visibility and reach through live streams. Over 250,000 viewers tuned in during the trade show alone.
The other specials, such as the interpack Start-up Zone, the Co-Packing joint stand, several award ceremonies with exciting packaging innovations, the “SAVE FOOD Highlight Route” with new approaches in the fight against global food loss and waste, and the promotion of women at “Women in Packaging” also attracted a great deal of attention. A special spirit was created at this premiere by around 200 women from the international industry who exchanged ideas and established new networks at interpack.
Sustainable packaging technologies
Sustainability in all its facets was the absolute top topic at interpack. Exhibitors presented high-end technologies and holistic concepts that take efficiency and sustainability into account along the entire production line.
“Many companies in the consumer goods industry have set their own sustainability goals,” says Richard Clemens, Managing Director of VDMA Food Processing and Packaging Machinery at interpack.
Richard Clemens of VDMA in live interview
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Weitere Informationen“Companies in the packaging machinery sector have succeeded in recent years in enabling the implementation of sustainable packaging concepts through appropriate technical adaptations and newly developed machine solutions. interpack is the showcase for innovations and at the same time the starting point for further development in the direction of a sustainable circular economy,” sums up Clemens.

Among the many solutions that celebrated their world premiere at interpack were numerous packaging materials and packaging supplies in all their diversity. Over 1,000 exhibitors presented themselves in this area alone, a new record.
The next interpack will be held in Düsseldorf from May 7 to 13, 2026.
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