Suchergebnisse für shell

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Ă–ko-Aussagen kommen auf den EU-PrĂĽfstand

Nach der neuen Verpackungsverordnung folgt die nächste Regelverschärfung. Dieses Mal geht es um die Green Claims: Werbeversprechen zur Nachhaltigkeit eines Produkts müssen künftig belegt werden. Die Vorschläge der Kommission müssen zwar noch durchs EU-Parlament, die Verpackungsbranche sollte sich dennoch schnell darauf einstellen.

Latest generation of paper bottles in the consumer test

It is ultra-light, extremely stable and feels very comfortable - no wonder that brand manufacturers such as Coca-Cola, Absolut and Procter & Gamble showed interest in the paper bottle from Paboco early on. The Carlsberg Brewery Group has also been working on the Fibre Bottle project for years and recently started a large-scale practical test. The first feedback from consumers is now available.


In almost 30 million homes in Germany, at least once a year someone reaches for a product with the unmistakable brand logo in red and gold. Whether stock cubes or powdered stock, ready meals like ravioli or helpful seasonings for cooking, like the "Fix" product line: most people will have held a Maggi product in their hand already. This year sees the 125th anniversary of the products in Germany, and their range has kept steadily growing. Regarding their packaging design, the Swiss have remained true to their beginnings for their entire company history, following the motto: never change a winning team. This traditional brand offers convincing proof that packaging can be much more than a mere protective shell for a product.

Shells in the company yard

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has and continues to cause incomprehensible suffering. The Ukrainian packaging industry is not spared either. Valeriia Grankina, CEO of Kharkiv based packaging company Slavena, fled to Bavaria with her family. For packaging journal she wrote down a very personal report of the status quo of the company and the Ukrainian packaging industry as a whole as per end of march.