Suchergebnisse für German Design Award

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That was Fachpack 2022

More than 1,150 exhibitors, around 32,000 visitors, three days of packaging in the spotlight - that's a brief numerical summary of this year's Fachpack. But that would hardly do justice to the full scope and significance of the packaging trade fair. After all, at the end of September in Nuremberg, not only were hands shaken, business cards exchanged and kilometres made, but ideas were compared, innovations presented and business relationships initiated. And packaging journal was right in the middle of it all.

25 Jahre WIN: Design am Puls der Zeit

Seit 25 Jahren gestaltet die Designagentur WIN Creating Images nicht nur Verpackungen, sondern kßmmert sich um Branding, Kommunikation und Markenfßhrung. Kunden wie Lindt & Sprßngli, dm, Teekanne oder Emmi schätzen die Rundumbetreuung und sind der Agentur seit Jahren treu.