Suchergebnisse für sig

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That was Fachpack 2022

More than 1,150 exhibitors, around 32,000 visitors, three days of packaging in the spotlight - that's a brief numerical summary of this year's Fachpack. But that would hardly do justice to the full scope and significance of the packaging trade fair. After all, at the end of September in Nuremberg, not only were hands shaken, business cards exchanged and kilometres made, but ideas were compared, innovations presented and business relationships initiated. And packaging journal was right in the middle of it all.

Siemens Healthineers packs sustainably with R.WEISS

A complex product range requires a complex packaging process? You might think so. But the automation of the packaging process of Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH shows: With a competent partner like R.WEISS Packaging GmbH & Co KG, flexible solutions based on modular design can be realised. This is also the case here, for which an intelligent UNIROB turnkey system for packaging diagnostic products was developed.

Kampagne erfolgreich gegen Greenwashing

Die papierindustrienahe Kampagne Two Sides hat nach eigenen Angaben seit ihrer Gründung 2010 mehr als 970 Unternehmen davon überzeugt, irreführende Marketingaussagen im Hinblick auf die eigene Umweltbilanz zu entfernen. Diese würden sonst dem Image der gesamten Papierindustrie schaden.