Suchergebnisse für ffi

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Automatische Lager von Westfalia

Westfalia Logistics zeigt auf der Anuga FoodTec, wie die Automatisierung der Lagerlogistik entlang der gesamten Produktions- und Lieferketten mehr Effizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Kundenzufriedenheit schaffen kann.

Static electricity can pack up

In the packaging industry, the phenomenon of electrostatic charging and discharging is one of the daily challenges. Thus, food manufacturers are also dependent on processes to reduce electrostatic charge by means of ionisers - and depending on the application, as precisely, efficiently and energy-savingly as possible.

Paper packaging trend: How well does recycling work?

The trend towards paper is unbroken. As a substitute for plastic, the material is supposed to be more sustainable and protect the environment. But what does more and more paper packaging mean for the recycling of the fibres? Because even these packaging materials cannot do without plastic coatings, varnishes and adhesives. We asked Dr.-Ing. Tiemo Arndt, scientific director of the Papiertechnische Stiftung PTS, about this.

Shells in the company yard

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has and continues to cause incomprehensible suffering. The Ukrainian packaging industry is not spared either. Valeriia Grankina, CEO of Kharkiv based packaging company Slavena, fled to Bavaria with her family. For packaging journal she wrote down a very personal report of the status quo of the company and the Ukrainian packaging industry as a whole as per end of march.